Everything You Need to Know About Your Meeting Minutes

This page is for all our current clients to access their documents and read about upcoming tasks and more. We have listed a few important things to keep in mind while using our services.

On the Record
On the Record

What You Need to Know

  • The documents saved are secured safely by x & require a login.
  • Draft minutes are available 10 business days after the meeting, excluding weekends & any federal holidays
  • Clients who opt to incorporate revisions to the draft minutes in house will not receive an approved version from On the Record nor will the secretary be required to make subsequent changes to the draft.

What We Need

To prevent inaccurate roll calls, voting records or action item lists, please provide us with the following information:

  • Agenda
  • A copy of the management report
  • Names of board members and management personnel, contractors, and legal counsel
  • Financial & budget reports

Important Notice

Clients are strictly prohibited from employing On the Record secretaries directly for two years from the secretaries separation from the company or cancellation of the client contract.

On the Record